
Showing posts from February, 2011

Find out a process ID if knowing a port

Three ways to find out a process ID if we know the port: lsof -w -n -i tcp :PORT_NUMBER fuser -n tcp PORT_NUMBER netstat -anpgrep :PORT_NUMBER

Disable SNMP under Solaris/HPUX/AIX

Even all SUN servers are running Solaris 10 OS, there is a different way to disable it for different level of patch. To run this command: # svcs -a grep sma the output : if "legacy_run Oct_22 lrc:/etc/rc3_d/S82initsma" To disable by: /etc/rc3.d/S82initsma stop mv /etc/rc3.d/S82initsma /etc/rc3.d/s82initsma else if "online 10:26:00 svc:/application/management/sma:default" To disable it by: svcadm disable svc:/application/management/sma:default else Send email to me } HPUX: edit /etc/rc.config.d/SnmpMaster Change the following line from SNMP_MASTER_START=1 TO SNMP_MASTER_START=0 to disable the SNMP to startup AIX: edit /etc/rc.tcpip Comment out the following line #start /usr/sbin/rwhod "$src_running"