Solaris 11 Network
Quote from SUN Doc. Oracle Solaris 11 uses profile-based network configuration, which is comprised of two network configuration modes: manual (fixed) and automatic (reactive). Depending on which network configuration mode you choose during an installation, either the DefaultFixed network configuration profile (NCP) or the Automatic NCP is activated on the system. If the DefaultFixed NCP is active, the network is manually configured by using the dladm and ipadm commands . If the Automatic NCP or a user-defined NCP that you previously created is active, the netcfg and netadm commands (formerly nwamcfg and nwamadm ) are used to create and manage network configuration. To determin either eanual or automatic, to run the following command: Note that in this example, a user-defined Location profile called myloc is also online. When using automatic network configuration, at least one NCP and one location must be active on the system at all times. $ netadm list TYPE...