
Showing posts from March, 2015

HPUX VM boot from select disk

# hpvmconsole qaitan01    vMP MAIN MENU          CO: Console          CM: Command Menu          CL: Console Log          SL: Show Event Logs          VM: Virtual Machine Menu          HE: Main Help Menu           X: Exit Connection [qaitan01] vMP> CO         (Use Ctrl-B to return to vMP main menu.) Shell> help                                                          ...

Solaris LDOM

root@edus005:~# ldm list NAME             STATE      FLAGS   CONS    VCPU  MEMORY   UTIL  UPTIME primary          active     -n-c--  UART    64    65024M   0.1%  10m root@edus005:~# ldm add-vconscon port-range=5000-5100 primary-console primary root@edus005:~# svcadm enable vntsd root@edus005:~# svcs vntsd STATE          STIME    FMRI online          9:10:00 svc:/ldoms/vntsd:default root@edus005:~# ldm set-vcpu 4 primary root@edus005:~# ldm start-reconf primary Initiating a delayed reconfiguration operation on the primary domain. All configuration changes for other domains are disabled until the primary domain reboots, at which tim...