IBM VIOS useful command

After login the server as padmin by ssh

Last unsuccessful login: Thu Sep 27 08:23:35 CDT 2012 on ssh from xxxxxx
Last login: Wed Feb 13 07:44:04 CST 2013 on /dev/vty0
$ lsmap -all
SVSA            Physloc                                      Client Partition ID
--------------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------
vhost0          U8233.E8B.0619F8R-V2-C3                      0x00000003
VTD                   vtscsi1
Status                Available
LUN                   0x8200000000000000
Backing device        dubua003v02
Mirrored              N/A
VTD                   vtscsi4
Status                Defined
LUN                   0x8100000000000000
Backing device        hdisk9
Physloc               U78A0.001.DNWKG3N-P1-C1-T2-W5001738013B50150-L2000000000000
Mirrored              false
VTD                   vtscsi5
Status                Available
LUN                   0x8300000000000000
Backing device        hdisk11
Physloc               U78A0.001.DNWKG3N-P1-C1-T2-W5001738013B50150-L1000000000000
Mirrored              false
SVSA            Physloc                                      Client Partition ID
--------------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------
vhost1          U8233.E8B.0619F8R-V2-C4                      0x00000001
VTD                   vtscsi0
Status                Available
LUN                   0x8100000000000000
Backing device        dubua003v01
Mirrored              N/A
VTD                   vtscsi3
Status                Available
LUN                   0x8200000000000000
Backing device        hdisk10
Physloc               U78A0.001.DNWKG3N-P1-C1-T2-W5001738013B50150-L3000000000000
Mirrored              false
SVSA            Physloc                                      Client Partition ID
--------------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------
vhost2          U8233.E8B.0619F8R-V2-C5                      0x00000004
VTD                   vtopt0
Status                Available
LUN                   0x8200000000000000
Backing device        /var/vio/VMLibrary/aix71base1
Mirrored              N/A
VTD                   vtscsi2
Status                Available
LUN                   0x8100000000000000
Backing device        dubua003v03
Mirrored              N/A
VTD                   vtscsi6
Status                Available
LUN                   0x8300000000000000
Backing device        hdisk12
Physloc               U78A0.001.DNWKG3N-P1-C1-T2-W5001738013B50150-L2000000000000
Mirrored              false

$ lslpp
rksh: lslpp:  not found.
$ lspv
NAME             PVID                                 VG               STATUS
hdisk0           00f719f88122e3ac                     rootvg           active
hdisk1           00f719f81246f592                     rootvg           active
hdisk2           00f719f8124faab5                     rootvg           active
hdisk3           00f719f812505f92                     rootvg           active
hdisk4           00f719f81250be38                     rootvg           active
hdisk5           00f719f81250930e                     rootvg           active
hdisk6           00f719f812519676                     rootvg           active
hdisk7           00f719f81251ed46                     rootvg           active
hdisk10          none                                 None             
hdisk11          none                                 None             
hdisk12          none                                 None             

$ cfgdev

Some error messages may contain invalid information
for the Virtual I/O Server environment.
Method error (/usr/lib/methods/cfg_vt_scdisk -l vtscsi4 ):
        0514-030 Cannot perform the requested function because
                 the specified device is dependent on another device which is
                 not in a correct state.
Method error (/usr/lib/methods/cfgefscsi -l fscsi3 ):
        0514-061 Cannot find a child device.
Method error (/usr/lib/methods/cfgefscsi -l fscsi5 ):
        0514-061 Cannot find a child device.
Method error (/usr/lib/methods/cfg_vt_scdisk -l vtscsi4 ):
        0514-030 Cannot perform the requested function because
                 the specified device is dependent on another device which is
                 not in a correct state.
$ lspv
NAME             PVID                                 VG               STATUS
hdisk0           00f719f88122e3ac                     rootvg           active
hdisk1           00f719f81246f592                     rootvg           active
hdisk2           00f719f8124faab5                     rootvg           active
hdisk3           00f719f812505f92                     rootvg           active
hdisk4           00f719f81250be38                     rootvg           active
hdisk5           00f719f81250930e                     rootvg           active
hdisk6           00f719f812519676                     rootvg           active
hdisk7           00f719f81251ed46                     rootvg           active
hdisk10          none                                 None             
hdisk11          none                                 None             
hdisk12          none                                 None             
hdisk13          none                                 None             
No need to reboot the VIOS, now hdisk13 shows up...

Based on the lsmap, we add the disk into vhost0

$ mkvdev -vdev hdisk13 -vadapter vhost0 -dev vtscsi7
vtscsi7 Available


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