GPFS troubleshooting
# ./mmlscluster
GPFS cluster information
GPFS cluster name: b570gw1-gpfs
GPFS cluster id: 723401712311966547
GPFS UID domain: b570gw1-gpfs
Remote shell command: /usr/bin/ssh
Remote file copy command: /usr/bin/scp
GPFS cluster configuration servers:
Primary server: b570gw1-gpfs
Secondary server: b570gw2-gpfs
Node Daemon node name IP address Admin node name Designation
1 b570gw1-gpfs b570gw1-gpfs quorum-manager
2 b570gw2-gpfs b570gw2-gpfs quorum-manager
3 b570its-gpfs b570its-gpfs quorum-manager
4 b570was-gpfs b570was-gpfs
# /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmlsdisk gw1data
disk driver sector failure holds holds storage
name type size group metadata data status availability pool
------------ -------- ------ ------- -------- ----- ------------- ------------ ------------
gpfs12nsd nsd 512 -1 yes yes ready up system
gpfs13nsd nsd 512 -1 yes yes ready up system
gpfs14nsd nsd 512 -1 yes yes ready up system
gpfs15nsd nsd 512 -1 yes yes ready up system
# /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmlsdisk gw2data
disk driver sector failure holds holds storage
name type size group metadata data status availability pool
------------ -------- ------ ------- -------- ----- ------------- ------------ ------------
gpfs16nsd nsd 512 -1 yes yes ready up system
gpfs17nsd nsd 512 -1 yes yes ready up system
gpfs18nsd nsd 512 -1 yes yes ready up system
gpfs19nsd nsd 512 -1 yes yes ready up system
# ./mmlsnsd -f gw1data
File system Disk name NSD servers
gw1data gpfs12nsd (directly attached)
gw1data gpfs13nsd (directly attached)
gw1data gpfs14nsd (directly attached)
gw1data gpfs15nsd (directly attached)
# ./mmfsadm test readdesc gpfs12nsd
reading descriptor from gpfs12nsd ...
uid 0916D908:4C43E4F2, name "gw1data", config version 15
created on node, Mon Jul 19 01:38:58 2010
formatting system: architecture=Power/PC, OS=AIX, big-endian
original format version 1105, cur version 1105 (mgr 1105, helper 1105, mnode 1105)
read quorum {2,2}, write quorum {2,2} (out of {3,3}) migrate complete
stripe group state
desc area size: reserved 2089984 = 2041k, currently used 2220
deny write|all lock semantic (SMBCIFSSemantic): nfs4
prefetch buffers 0
sector size 512, metadataAtomicSectorSize 512, subblocksPerFullBlock 32
subblock size 32768 (64 sectors), full block size 1048576 (2048 sectors)
inode file block size 32 subblks, alloc map 32, inode alloc map 32
inodes: size 512 (1 sectors), inodes per block 2048, disk addrs 32
indirect blocks: size 32768 (64 sectors), disk addrs 2727
log files: 4191744 data bytes
ialloc map: type 'cluster', regns 131, segmnts per regn 1, segmnt size 31784 bytes (8 pages)
# ./mmlsmount all
File system aadata is mounted on 4 nodes.
File system ccdata is mounted on 4 nodes.
File system egwdata is mounted on 4 nodes.
File system fed_data is mounted on 4 nodes.
File system gw1data is not mounted.
File system gw2data is not mounted.
File system logs1 is mounted on 2 nodes.
File system logs2 is mounted on 4 nodes.
File system miscdata is mounted on 4 nodes.
File system mqdata is mounted on 4 nodes.
File system nfsdata is mounted on 4 nodes.
File system presdata is not mounted.
File system tables1 is mounted on 4 nodes.
File system tables2 is mounted on 4 nodes.
File system tsdata is mounted on 4 nodes.
inodes per ialloc subsegment 4096, segment 126976 (active 12288)
max allowed replication factor: 2; partial replica allocation flags 0
disk address size: 12
default replication factors: metadata 1 (max 2), data 1 (max 2)
stripe method RoundRobin
disk I/O parallelism 1
dir block size 32768 (1 subblks), dir alignment 32
longIOWarnLen 0.000000 sec
nNodes 32, avgFileSize 1048576, total no of inodes 1100806, reserved 6
maxInodes 1100806, surplusInodes 15533050 addReservedInodes 4000 Num 38
nFullBlocks 1100800, nMFullBlocks 1100800
unbalanced user files: some, metadata files: some
improper replication of user files: some, metadata files: some
exposed user files: some, metadata files: some
no of unsuspended failure groups: total 4, data 4, metadata 4
supported ACL semantics: all
failureGroupBitmapP[0]: Bitmap size 4 1s 1 : 80000000
failureGroupBitmapP[1]: Bitmap size 4 1s 1 : 40000000
failureGroupBitmapP[2]: Bitmap size 4 1s 1 : 20000000
failureGroupBitmapP[3]: Bitmap size 4 1s 1 : 10000000
dataDisksBitmapP: Bitmap size 4 1s 4 : F0000000
metadataDisksBitmapP: Bitmap size 4 1s 4 : F0000000
logPoolId: 0
quota file inodes: user quota -1, group quota -1 fileset quota -1
extended attribute file inode: 5
allocation summary file inode: -1
fileset metadata file inode: 38
policy file inode: -1
Aggressiveness level of tokens prefetch: 0
EnableDmapi: no
EnablePnfs: no
EnableFsetDF: no
dmSGEventList: 0x00000000
EnableSANergy yes
diskConfigVersion 1
sgnameChgInProgress 0
inode 0: 1:4098
snapshot: version 0 nItem 0 max 256 maxId 0 filtered 0 mtime Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
snapdir ".snapshots" disabled (rootdir only) latest "NotDefined"
restore: flags 0 Dirty resIdSnapId 0 resIdVersion 1
resIdStripeId 0916D908:4C43E4F2 resIdTime 0
Fileset record size: 4096
Has pcache filesets: no
storage pools: max 8
0: name 'system' Valid nDisks 4 nInUse 4 id 0 type 'cluster'
regns 1121 segs 1 size 32768 FBlks 1100800 MBlks 1100800
alloc map inode 1 sum inode 39
data 1 nFGs 4 disks: Bitmap size 4 1s 4 : F0000000
meta 1 nFGs 4 disks: Bitmap size 4 1s 4 : F0000000
1: not in use
2: not in use
3: not in use
4: not in use
5: not in use
6: not in use
7: not in use
tschfsVersion 0
disks: version 1, no of items 4, in use 4
catQuorumWeight {0,0}
1: gpfs12nsd: uid 0916D908:4C43E4EB, status InUse, availability OK,
created on node, Mon Jul 19 01:38:51 2010
type 'nsd', sector size 512, failureConfigVersion 0
quorum weight {1,1}, failure group: id -1, fg index 0
nSectors 52428800 (0:3200000) (25600 MB), inode0Sector 4098
alloc region: no of bits 736, seg num 0, offset 48, len 256
suballocator 0xF1000001F118BEA4 type 0 subSize 736 dataOffset 52
nRows 5 len/off: 1/0 2/1 3/3 6/6 12/12
storage pool: 0
holds data and metadata
sectors past efficient device boundary: 0
isFenced: 0
2: gpfs13nsd: uid 0916D908:4C43E4ED, status InUse, availability OK,
created on node, Mon Jul 19 01:38:53 2010
type 'nsd', sector size 512, failureConfigVersion 0
quorum weight {1,1}, failure group: id -1, fg index 1
nSectors 524288000 (0:1F400000) (256000 MB), inode0Sector 4098
alloc region: no of bits 7328, seg num 0, offset 304, len 1904
suballocator 0xF1000001F118BD74 type 0 subSize 7328 dataOffset 308
nRows 8 len/off: 1/0 2/1 4/3 8/7 15/15 29/30 58/59 115/117
storage pool: 0
holds data and metadata
sectors past efficient device boundary: 0
isFenced: 0
3: gpfs14nsd: uid 0916D908:4C43E4EF, status InUse, availability OK,
created on node, Mon Jul 19 01:38:55 2010
type 'nsd', sector size 512, failureConfigVersion 0
quorum weight {1,1}, failure group: id -1, fg index 2
nSectors 524288000 (0:1F400000) (256000 MB), inode0Sector 4098
alloc region: no of bits 7328, seg num 0, offset 2208, len 1904
suballocator 0xF1000001F118BC44 type 0 subSize 7328 dataOffset 2212
nRows 8 len/off: 1/0 2/1 4/3 8/7 15/15 29/30 58/59 115/117
storage pool: 0
holds data and metadata
sectors past efficient device boundary: 0
isFenced: 0
4: gpfs15nsd: uid 0916D908:4C43E4F1, status InUse, availability OK,
created on node, Mon Jul 19 01:38:57 2010
type 'nsd', sector size 512, failureConfigVersion 0
quorum weight {0,0}, failure group: id -1, fg index 3
nSectors 1153433600 (0:44C00000) (563200 MB), inode0Sector 4098
alloc region: no of bits 16096, seg num 0, offset 4112, len 4096
suballocator 0xF1000001F118BB14 type 0 subSize 16096 dataOffset 4116
nRows 9 len/off: 1/0 2/1 4/3 8/7 16/15 32/31 63/63 126/126 252/252
storage pool: 0
holds data and metadata
sectors past efficient device boundary: 0
isFenced: 0
logs: version 1, no of items 32, maxLogGroupNum 32
group 1, addr 1:26138624, sectors 8187, inode 6, genNum 0x1
group 2, addr 2:262221824, sectors 8187, inode 7, genNum 0x1
group 3, addr 3:262070272, sectors 8187, inode 8, genNum 0x1
group 4, addr 4:576643072, sectors 8187, inode 9, genNum 0x1
group 5, addr 1:26134528, sectors 8187, inode 10, genNum 0x1
group 6, addr 2:262225920, sectors 8187, inode 11, genNum 0x1
group 7, addr 3:262066176, sectors 8187, inode 12, genNum 0x1
group 8, addr 4:576638976, sectors 8187, inode 13, genNum 0x1
group 9, addr 1:26130432, sectors 8187, inode 14, genNum 0x1
group 10, addr 2:262230016, sectors 8187, inode 15, genNum 0x1
group 11, addr 3:262062080, sectors 8187, inode 16, genNum 0x1
group 12, addr 4:576634880, sectors 8187, inode 17, genNum 0x1
group 13, addr 1:26126336, sectors 8187, inode 18, genNum 0x1
group 14, addr 2:262234112, sectors 8187, inode 19, genNum 0x1
group 15, addr 3:262057984, sectors 8187, inode 20, genNum 0x1
group 16, addr 4:576630784, sectors 8187, inode 21, genNum 0x1
group 17, addr 1:26122240, sectors 8187, inode 22, genNum 0x1
group 18, addr 2:262238208, sectors 8187, inode 23, genNum 0x1
group 19, addr 3:262053888, sectors 8187, inode 24, genNum 0x1
group 20, addr 4:576626688, sectors 8187, inode 25, genNum 0x1
group 21, addr 1:26118144, sectors 8187, inode 26, genNum 0x1
group 22, addr 2:262242304, sectors 8187, inode 27, genNum 0x1
group 23, addr 3:262049792, sectors 8187, inode 28, genNum 0x1
group 24, addr 4:576622592, sectors 8187, inode 29, genNum 0x1
group 25, addr 1:26114048, sectors 8187, inode 30, genNum 0x1
group 26, addr 2:262246400, sectors 8187, inode 31, genNum 0x1
group 27, addr 3:262045696, sectors 8187, inode 32, genNum 0x1
group 28, addr 4:576618496, sectors 8187, inode 33, genNum 0x1
group 29, addr 1:26109952, sectors 8187, inode 34, genNum 0x1
group 30, addr 2:262250496, sectors 8187, inode 35, genNum 0x1
group 31, addr 3:262041600, sectors 8187, inode 36, genNum 0x1
group 32, addr 4:576614400, sectors 8187, inode 37, genNum 0x1
# ./mmlsconfig
Configuration data for cluster b570gw1-gpfs:
clusterName b570gw1-gpfs
clusterId 723401712311966547
autoload yes
dmapiFileHandleSize 32
pagepool 4G
seqDiscardThreshhold 8388608
writebehindThreshhold 1045876
prefetchThreads 250
worker1Threads 150
maxMBpS 1500
maxFilesToCache 2000
adminMode central
File systems in cluster b570gw1-gpfs:
# ./mmmount all -a
b570gw1-gpfs: mmremote: Remount failed for file system /dev/presdata. Error code 52.
b570was-gpfs: mmremote: Remount failed for file system /dev/presdata. Error code 52.
mmmount: The following nodes could not be reached:
GPFS cluster information
GPFS cluster name: b570gw1-gpfs
GPFS cluster id: 723401712311966547
GPFS UID domain: b570gw1-gpfs
Remote shell command: /usr/bin/ssh
Remote file copy command: /usr/bin/scp
GPFS cluster configuration servers:
Primary server: b570gw1-gpfs
Secondary server: b570gw2-gpfs
Node Daemon node name IP address Admin node name Designation
1 b570gw1-gpfs b570gw1-gpfs quorum-manager
2 b570gw2-gpfs b570gw2-gpfs quorum-manager
3 b570its-gpfs b570its-gpfs quorum-manager
4 b570was-gpfs b570was-gpfs
# /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmlsdisk gw1data
disk driver sector failure holds holds storage
name type size group metadata data status availability pool
------------ -------- ------ ------- -------- ----- ------------- ------------ ------------
gpfs12nsd nsd 512 -1 yes yes ready up system
gpfs13nsd nsd 512 -1 yes yes ready up system
gpfs14nsd nsd 512 -1 yes yes ready up system
gpfs15nsd nsd 512 -1 yes yes ready up system
# /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmlsdisk gw2data
disk driver sector failure holds holds storage
name type size group metadata data status availability pool
------------ -------- ------ ------- -------- ----- ------------- ------------ ------------
gpfs16nsd nsd 512 -1 yes yes ready up system
gpfs17nsd nsd 512 -1 yes yes ready up system
gpfs18nsd nsd 512 -1 yes yes ready up system
gpfs19nsd nsd 512 -1 yes yes ready up system
# ./mmlsnsd -f gw1data
File system Disk name NSD servers
gw1data gpfs12nsd (directly attached)
gw1data gpfs13nsd (directly attached)
gw1data gpfs14nsd (directly attached)
gw1data gpfs15nsd (directly attached)
# ./mmfsadm test readdesc gpfs12nsd
reading descriptor from gpfs12nsd ...
uid 0916D908:4C43E4F2, name "gw1data", config version 15
created on node, Mon Jul 19 01:38:58 2010
formatting system: architecture=Power/PC, OS=AIX, big-endian
original format version 1105, cur version 1105 (mgr 1105, helper 1105, mnode 1105)
read quorum {2,2}, write quorum {2,2} (out of {3,3}) migrate complete
stripe group state
desc area size: reserved 2089984 = 2041k, currently used 2220
deny write|all lock semantic (SMBCIFSSemantic): nfs4
prefetch buffers 0
sector size 512, metadataAtomicSectorSize 512, subblocksPerFullBlock 32
subblock size 32768 (64 sectors), full block size 1048576 (2048 sectors)
inode file block size 32 subblks, alloc map 32, inode alloc map 32
inodes: size 512 (1 sectors), inodes per block 2048, disk addrs 32
indirect blocks: size 32768 (64 sectors), disk addrs 2727
log files: 4191744 data bytes
ialloc map: type 'cluster', regns 131, segmnts per regn 1, segmnt size 31784 bytes (8 pages)
# ./mmlsmount all
File system aadata is mounted on 4 nodes.
File system ccdata is mounted on 4 nodes.
File system egwdata is mounted on 4 nodes.
File system fed_data is mounted on 4 nodes.
File system gw1data is not mounted.
File system gw2data is not mounted.
File system logs1 is mounted on 2 nodes.
File system logs2 is mounted on 4 nodes.
File system miscdata is mounted on 4 nodes.
File system mqdata is mounted on 4 nodes.
File system nfsdata is mounted on 4 nodes.
File system presdata is not mounted.
File system tables1 is mounted on 4 nodes.
File system tables2 is mounted on 4 nodes.
File system tsdata is mounted on 4 nodes.
inodes per ialloc subsegment 4096, segment 126976 (active 12288)
max allowed replication factor: 2; partial replica allocation flags 0
disk address size: 12
default replication factors: metadata 1 (max 2), data 1 (max 2)
stripe method RoundRobin
disk I/O parallelism 1
dir block size 32768 (1 subblks), dir alignment 32
longIOWarnLen 0.000000 sec
nNodes 32, avgFileSize 1048576, total no of inodes 1100806, reserved 6
maxInodes 1100806, surplusInodes 15533050 addReservedInodes 4000 Num 38
nFullBlocks 1100800, nMFullBlocks 1100800
unbalanced user files: some, metadata files: some
improper replication of user files: some, metadata files: some
exposed user files: some, metadata files: some
no of unsuspended failure groups: total 4, data 4, metadata 4
supported ACL semantics: all
failureGroupBitmapP[0]: Bitmap size 4 1s 1 : 80000000
failureGroupBitmapP[1]: Bitmap size 4 1s 1 : 40000000
failureGroupBitmapP[2]: Bitmap size 4 1s 1 : 20000000
failureGroupBitmapP[3]: Bitmap size 4 1s 1 : 10000000
dataDisksBitmapP: Bitmap size 4 1s 4 : F0000000
metadataDisksBitmapP: Bitmap size 4 1s 4 : F0000000
logPoolId: 0
quota file inodes: user quota -1, group quota -1 fileset quota -1
extended attribute file inode: 5
allocation summary file inode: -1
fileset metadata file inode: 38
policy file inode: -1
Aggressiveness level of tokens prefetch: 0
EnableDmapi: no
EnablePnfs: no
EnableFsetDF: no
dmSGEventList: 0x00000000
EnableSANergy yes
diskConfigVersion 1
sgnameChgInProgress 0
inode 0: 1:4098
snapshot: version 0 nItem 0 max 256 maxId 0 filtered 0 mtime Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
snapdir ".snapshots" disabled (rootdir only) latest "NotDefined"
restore: flags 0 Dirty resIdSnapId 0 resIdVersion 1
resIdStripeId 0916D908:4C43E4F2 resIdTime 0
Fileset record size: 4096
Has pcache filesets: no
storage pools: max 8
0: name 'system' Valid nDisks 4 nInUse 4 id 0 type 'cluster'
regns 1121 segs 1 size 32768 FBlks 1100800 MBlks 1100800
alloc map inode 1 sum inode 39
data 1 nFGs 4 disks: Bitmap size 4 1s 4 : F0000000
meta 1 nFGs 4 disks: Bitmap size 4 1s 4 : F0000000
1: not in use
2: not in use
3: not in use
4: not in use
5: not in use
6: not in use
7: not in use
tschfsVersion 0
disks: version 1, no of items 4, in use 4
catQuorumWeight {0,0}
1: gpfs12nsd: uid 0916D908:4C43E4EB, status InUse, availability OK,
created on node, Mon Jul 19 01:38:51 2010
type 'nsd', sector size 512, failureConfigVersion 0
quorum weight {1,1}, failure group: id -1, fg index 0
nSectors 52428800 (0:3200000) (25600 MB), inode0Sector 4098
alloc region: no of bits 736, seg num 0, offset 48, len 256
suballocator 0xF1000001F118BEA4 type 0 subSize 736 dataOffset 52
nRows 5 len/off: 1/0 2/1 3/3 6/6 12/12
storage pool: 0
holds data and metadata
sectors past efficient device boundary: 0
isFenced: 0
2: gpfs13nsd: uid 0916D908:4C43E4ED, status InUse, availability OK,
created on node, Mon Jul 19 01:38:53 2010
type 'nsd', sector size 512, failureConfigVersion 0
quorum weight {1,1}, failure group: id -1, fg index 1
nSectors 524288000 (0:1F400000) (256000 MB), inode0Sector 4098
alloc region: no of bits 7328, seg num 0, offset 304, len 1904
suballocator 0xF1000001F118BD74 type 0 subSize 7328 dataOffset 308
nRows 8 len/off: 1/0 2/1 4/3 8/7 15/15 29/30 58/59 115/117
storage pool: 0
holds data and metadata
sectors past efficient device boundary: 0
isFenced: 0
3: gpfs14nsd: uid 0916D908:4C43E4EF, status InUse, availability OK,
created on node, Mon Jul 19 01:38:55 2010
type 'nsd', sector size 512, failureConfigVersion 0
quorum weight {1,1}, failure group: id -1, fg index 2
nSectors 524288000 (0:1F400000) (256000 MB), inode0Sector 4098
alloc region: no of bits 7328, seg num 0, offset 2208, len 1904
suballocator 0xF1000001F118BC44 type 0 subSize 7328 dataOffset 2212
nRows 8 len/off: 1/0 2/1 4/3 8/7 15/15 29/30 58/59 115/117
storage pool: 0
holds data and metadata
sectors past efficient device boundary: 0
isFenced: 0
4: gpfs15nsd: uid 0916D908:4C43E4F1, status InUse, availability OK,
created on node, Mon Jul 19 01:38:57 2010
type 'nsd', sector size 512, failureConfigVersion 0
quorum weight {0,0}, failure group: id -1, fg index 3
nSectors 1153433600 (0:44C00000) (563200 MB), inode0Sector 4098
alloc region: no of bits 16096, seg num 0, offset 4112, len 4096
suballocator 0xF1000001F118BB14 type 0 subSize 16096 dataOffset 4116
nRows 9 len/off: 1/0 2/1 4/3 8/7 16/15 32/31 63/63 126/126 252/252
storage pool: 0
holds data and metadata
sectors past efficient device boundary: 0
isFenced: 0
logs: version 1, no of items 32, maxLogGroupNum 32
group 1, addr 1:26138624, sectors 8187, inode 6, genNum 0x1
group 2, addr 2:262221824, sectors 8187, inode 7, genNum 0x1
group 3, addr 3:262070272, sectors 8187, inode 8, genNum 0x1
group 4, addr 4:576643072, sectors 8187, inode 9, genNum 0x1
group 5, addr 1:26134528, sectors 8187, inode 10, genNum 0x1
group 6, addr 2:262225920, sectors 8187, inode 11, genNum 0x1
group 7, addr 3:262066176, sectors 8187, inode 12, genNum 0x1
group 8, addr 4:576638976, sectors 8187, inode 13, genNum 0x1
group 9, addr 1:26130432, sectors 8187, inode 14, genNum 0x1
group 10, addr 2:262230016, sectors 8187, inode 15, genNum 0x1
group 11, addr 3:262062080, sectors 8187, inode 16, genNum 0x1
group 12, addr 4:576634880, sectors 8187, inode 17, genNum 0x1
group 13, addr 1:26126336, sectors 8187, inode 18, genNum 0x1
group 14, addr 2:262234112, sectors 8187, inode 19, genNum 0x1
group 15, addr 3:262057984, sectors 8187, inode 20, genNum 0x1
group 16, addr 4:576630784, sectors 8187, inode 21, genNum 0x1
group 17, addr 1:26122240, sectors 8187, inode 22, genNum 0x1
group 18, addr 2:262238208, sectors 8187, inode 23, genNum 0x1
group 19, addr 3:262053888, sectors 8187, inode 24, genNum 0x1
group 20, addr 4:576626688, sectors 8187, inode 25, genNum 0x1
group 21, addr 1:26118144, sectors 8187, inode 26, genNum 0x1
group 22, addr 2:262242304, sectors 8187, inode 27, genNum 0x1
group 23, addr 3:262049792, sectors 8187, inode 28, genNum 0x1
group 24, addr 4:576622592, sectors 8187, inode 29, genNum 0x1
group 25, addr 1:26114048, sectors 8187, inode 30, genNum 0x1
group 26, addr 2:262246400, sectors 8187, inode 31, genNum 0x1
group 27, addr 3:262045696, sectors 8187, inode 32, genNum 0x1
group 28, addr 4:576618496, sectors 8187, inode 33, genNum 0x1
group 29, addr 1:26109952, sectors 8187, inode 34, genNum 0x1
group 30, addr 2:262250496, sectors 8187, inode 35, genNum 0x1
group 31, addr 3:262041600, sectors 8187, inode 36, genNum 0x1
group 32, addr 4:576614400, sectors 8187, inode 37, genNum 0x1
# ./mmlsconfig
Configuration data for cluster b570gw1-gpfs:
clusterName b570gw1-gpfs
clusterId 723401712311966547
autoload yes
dmapiFileHandleSize 32
pagepool 4G
seqDiscardThreshhold 8388608
writebehindThreshhold 1045876
prefetchThreads 250
worker1Threads 150
maxMBpS 1500
maxFilesToCache 2000
adminMode central
File systems in cluster b570gw1-gpfs:
# ./mmmount all -a
b570gw1-gpfs: mmremote: Remount failed for file system /dev/presdata. Error code 52.
b570was-gpfs: mmremote: Remount failed for file system /dev/presdata. Error code 52.
mmmount: The following nodes could not be reached: