GPFS -- Add/Remvoe additional disks into

#vi adddisk_fm1.txt
"adddisk_fm1.txt" 3 lines, 143 characters

# mmcrnsd -F  adddisk_fm1.txt
mmcrnsd: Processing disk hdisk5
mmcrnsd: Processing disk hdisk6
mmcrnsd: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all
  affected nodes.  This is an asynchronous process.

# mmlsnsd

 File system   Disk name    NSD servers                                   
 ftm1data      mynsd1       (directly attached)     
 ftm2data      mynsd2       (directly attached)     
 ftm3data      mynsd3       (directly attached)     
 ftm4data      mynsd4       (directly attached)     
 ftm5data      mynsd5       (directly attached)     
 (free disk)   nsd6         (directly attached)     
 (free disk)   nsd7         (directly attached)     

# mmadddisk ftm1data -F adddisk_fm1.txt

GPFS: 6027-531 The following disks of ftm1data will be formatted on node p880lp1:
    nsd6: size 204800 MB
    nsd7: size 204800 MB
Extending Allocation Map
Checking Allocation Map for storage pool system
GPFS: 6027-1503 Completed adding disks to file system ftm1data.
mmadddisk: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all
  affected nodes.  This is an asynchronous process.
# mmdf ftm1data
disk                disk size  failure holds    holds              free KB             free KB
name                    in KB    group metadata data        in full blocks        in fragments
--------------- ------------- -------- -------- ----- -------------------- -------------------
Disks in storage pool: system (Maximum disk size allowed is 1.6 TB)
mynsd1              209715200       -1 yes      yes       208480768 ( 99%)          3928 ( 0%)
nsd6                209715200       -1 yes      yes       209649152 (100%)           376 ( 0%)
nsd7                209715200       -1 yes      yes       209649152 (100%)           376 ( 0%)
                -------------                         -------------------- -------------------
(pool total)        629145600                             627779072 (100%)          4680 ( 0%)

                =============                         ==================== ===================
(total)             629145600                             627779072 (100%)          4680 ( 0%)

Inode Information
Number of used inodes:            4939
Number of free inodes:          199925
Number of allocated inodes:     204864
Maximum number of inodes:     17476288
# mmchdisk gpfs suspend -d "nsd6;nsd7"
mmchdisk: 6027-1388 File system gpfs is not known to the GPFS cluster.
mmchdisk: 6027-1639 Command failed. Examine previous error messages to determine cause.
# mmchdisk ftm1data suspend -d "nsd6;nsd7"
GPFS: 6027-000 Attention: A disk being removed reduces the number of failure groups to 1,
           which is below the number required for replication: 2.
           New blocks will be allocated from the remaining disks,
           but files will be unreplicated and hence at risk.

 # mmrestripefs ftm1data -b
GPFS: 6027-589 Scanning file system metadata, phase 1 ...
GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully.
GPFS: 6027-589 Scanning file system metadata, phase 2 ...
GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully.
GPFS: 6027-589 Scanning file system metadata, phase 3 ...
GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully.
GPFS: 6027-589 Scanning file system metadata, phase 4 ...
GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully.
GPFS: 6027-565 Scanning user file metadata ...
 100.00 % complete on Wed Nov 30 11:17:20 2016  (    204864 inodes with total       1136 MB data processed)
GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully.

# mmdf ftm1data
disk                disk size  failure holds    holds              free KB             free KB
name                    in KB    group metadata data        in full blocks        in fragments
--------------- ------------- -------- -------- ----- -------------------- -------------------
Disks in storage pool: system (Maximum disk size allowed is 1.6 TB)
mynsd1              209715200       -1 yes      yes       209256192 (100%)          5056 ( 0%)
mynsd6              209715200       -1 yes      yes       209259008 (100%)           712 ( 0%)
mynsd7              209715200       -1 yes      yes       209262080 (100%)          1224 ( 0%)
                -------------                         -------------------- -------------------
(pool total)        629145600                             627777280 (100%)          6992 ( 0%)

                =============                         ==================== ===================
(total)             629145600                             627777280 (100%)          6992 ( 0%)

Inode Information
Number of used inodes:            4939
Number of free inodes:          199925
Number of allocated inodes:     204864
Maximum number of inodes:     17476288

Then I found the name is inconstancy.  So now I need to remove both disks

# mmdf ftm1data
disk                disk size  failure holds    holds              free KB             free KB
name                    in KB    group metadata data        in full blocks        in fragments
--------------- ------------- -------- -------- ----- -------------------- -------------------
Disks in storage pool: system (Maximum disk size allowed is 1.6 TB)
mynsd1              209715200       -1 yes      yes       208480768 ( 99%)          3928 ( 0%)
nsd6                209715200       -1 yes      yes       209649152 (100%)           376 ( 0%) *
nsd7                209715200       -1 yes      yes       209649152 (100%)           376 ( 0%) *
                -------------                         -------------------- -------------------
(pool total)        209715200                             208480768 ( 99%)          3928 ( 0%)

                =============                         ==================== ===================
(total)             209715200                             208480768 ( 99%)          3928 ( 0%)

Inode Information
Number of used inodes:            4939
Number of free inodes:          199925
Number of allocated inodes:     204864
Maximum number of inodes:     17476288
# mmrestripefs ftm1data -b
GPFS: 6027-589 Scanning file system metadata, phase 1 ...
GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully.
GPFS: 6027-589 Scanning file system metadata, phase 2 ...
GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully.
GPFS: 6027-589 Scanning file system metadata, phase 3 ...
GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully.
GPFS: 6027-589 Scanning file system metadata, phase 4 ...
GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully.
GPFS: 6027-565 Scanning user file metadata ...
 100.00 % complete on Wed Nov 30 10:40:37 2016  (    204864 inodes with total       1136 MB data processed)
GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully.
# mmdeldisk ftm1data "nsd6;nsd7"
Deleting disks ...
Checking Allocation Map for storage pool system
GPFS: 6027-370 tsdeldisk completed.
mmdeldisk: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all
  affected nodes.  This is an asynchronous process.

# mmdf ftm1data
disk                disk size  failure holds    holds              free KB             free KB
name                    in KB    group metadata data        in full blocks        in fragments
--------------- ------------- -------- -------- ----- -------------------- -------------------
Disks in storage pool: system (Maximum disk size allowed is 1.6 TB)
mynsd1              209715200       -1 yes      yes       208481792 ( 99%)          3424 ( 0%)
                -------------                         -------------------- -------------------
(pool total)        209715200                             208481792 ( 99%)          3424 ( 0%)

                =============                         ==================== ===================
(total)             209715200                             208481792 ( 99%)          3424 ( 0%)

Inode Information
Number of used inodes:            4939
Number of free inodes:          199925
Number of allocated inodes:     204864
Maximum number of inodes:     17476288
# mmlsnsd

 File system   Disk name    NSD servers                                   
 ftm1data      mynsd1       (directly attached)     
 ftm2data      mynsd2       (directly attached)     
 ftm3data      mynsd3       (directly attached)     
 ftm4data      mynsd4       (directly attached)     
 ftm5data      mynsd5       (directly attached)     
 (free disk)   nsd6         (directly attached)     
 (free disk)   nsd7         (directly attached)     

# mmdelnsd "nsd6;nsd7"
mmdelnsd: Processing disk nsd6
mmdelnsd: Processing disk nsd7
mmdelnsd: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all
  affected nodes.  This is an asynchronous process.
# mmlsnsd

 File system   Disk name    NSD servers                                   
 ftm1data      mynsd1       (directly attached)     
 ftm2data      mynsd2       (directly attached)     
 ftm3data      mynsd3       (directly attached)     
 ftm4data      mynsd4       (directly attached)     
 ftm5data      mynsd5       (directly attached)     



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