Generate OVA/OVF
Since Vsphere 6.5, it recommends to use ovftool to convert the OVF/OVA. Before doing it, please remember disconnect your CDROM/DVDROM. Otherwise, the data on CD/DVD will be included in the OVF/OVA
OVF --> WAX --> OVA
C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool>ovftool.exe vi://
/vm/win7 C:\Users\pwang\Desktop\ovfs
Enter login information for source vi://
Username: administrator@vsphere.local
Password: ************
Opening VI source: vi://administrator%40vsphere.local@
Opening VI source: vi://administrator%40vsphere.local@
Opening OVF target: C:\Users\pwang\Desktop\ovfs
Writing OVF package: C:\Users\pwang\Desktop\ovfs\win7\win7.ovf
Transfer Completed
Completed successfully
C:\Users\pwang\Desktop\ovfs\vm02>"C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool\ovftoo
l.exe" vm02.ovf C:\Users\pwang\Desktop\vmx\vm02.vmx
Opening OVF source: vm02.ovf
The manifest validates
Opening VMX target: C:\Users\pwang\Desktop\vmx\vm02.vmx
Error: Invalid target disk adapter type: pvscsi
Completed with errors
Edit the vm02.ovf to change the PVSCSI to SCSI-lsilogicsas
C:\Users\pwang\Desktop\ovfs\vm02>openssl.exe sha1 vm02.vmdk vm02.ovf >
C:\Users\pwang\Desktop\ovfs\vm02>"C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool\ovftoo
l.exe" vm02.ovf C:\Users\pwang\Desktop\vmx\vm02.vmx
Opening OVF source: vm02.ovf
The manifest validates
Opening VMX target: C:\Users\pwang\Desktop\vmx\vm02.vmx
Writing VMX file: C:\Users\pwang\Desktop\vmx\vm02.vmx
Transfer Completed
- No manifest entry found for: 'vm02.ovf'.
- File is missing from the manifest: 'vm02.ovf'.
- No manifest entry found for: 'vm02-file1.iso'.
- No manifest entry found for: 'vm02-disk1.vmdk'.
- No manifest entry found for: 'vm02-file1.iso'.
- No manifest entry found for: 'vm02-disk1.vmdk'.
Completed successfully
C:\Users\pwang\Desktop\ovfs\win7>"C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool\ovftoo
l.exe" win7.ovf
OVF version: 1.0
VirtualApp: false
Name: win7
Download Size: 6.97 GB
Deployment Sizes:
Flat disks: 66.91 GB
Sparse disks: 11.15 GB
Name: VM Network
Description: The VM Network network
Virtual Machines:
Name: win7
Operating System: windows7_64guest
Virtual Hardware:
Families: vmx-13
Number of CPUs: 1
Cores per socket: 1
Memory: 8.00 GB
Index: 0
Instance ID: 10
Capacity: 64.00 GB
Disk Types: SCSI-lsilogicsas
Adapter Type: E1000
Connection: VM Network
OVF --> WAX --> OVA
C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool>ovftool.exe vi://
/vm/win7 C:\Users\pwang\Desktop\ovfs
Enter login information for source vi://
Username: administrator@vsphere.local
Password: ************
Opening VI source: vi://administrator%40vsphere.local@
Opening VI source: vi://administrator%40vsphere.local@
Opening OVF target: C:\Users\pwang\Desktop\ovfs
Writing OVF package: C:\Users\pwang\Desktop\ovfs\win7\win7.ovf
Transfer Completed
Completed successfully
C:\Users\pwang\Desktop\ovfs\vm02>"C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool\ovftoo
l.exe" vm02.ovf C:\Users\pwang\Desktop\vmx\vm02.vmx
Opening OVF source: vm02.ovf
The manifest validates
Opening VMX target: C:\Users\pwang\Desktop\vmx\vm02.vmx
Error: Invalid target disk adapter type: pvscsi
Completed with errors
Edit the vm02.ovf to change the PVSCSI to SCSI-lsilogicsas
C:\Users\pwang\Desktop\ovfs\vm02>openssl.exe sha1 vm02.vmdk vm02.ovf >
C:\Users\pwang\Desktop\ovfs\vm02>"C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool\ovftoo
l.exe" vm02.ovf C:\Users\pwang\Desktop\vmx\vm02.vmx
Opening OVF source: vm02.ovf
The manifest validates
Opening VMX target: C:\Users\pwang\Desktop\vmx\vm02.vmx
Writing VMX file: C:\Users\pwang\Desktop\vmx\vm02.vmx
Transfer Completed
- No manifest entry found for: 'vm02.ovf'.
- File is missing from the manifest: 'vm02.ovf'.
- No manifest entry found for: 'vm02-file1.iso'.
- No manifest entry found for: 'vm02-disk1.vmdk'.
- No manifest entry found for: 'vm02-file1.iso'.
- No manifest entry found for: 'vm02-disk1.vmdk'.
Completed successfully
C:\Users\pwang\Desktop\ovfs\win7>"C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool\ovftoo
l.exe" win7.ovf
OVF version: 1.0
VirtualApp: false
Name: win7
Download Size: 6.97 GB
Deployment Sizes:
Flat disks: 66.91 GB
Sparse disks: 11.15 GB
Name: VM Network
Description: The VM Network network
Virtual Machines:
Name: win7
Operating System: windows7_64guest
Virtual Hardware:
Families: vmx-13
Number of CPUs: 1
Cores per socket: 1
Memory: 8.00 GB
Index: 0
Instance ID: 10
Capacity: 64.00 GB
Disk Types: SCSI-lsilogicsas
Adapter Type: E1000
Connection: VM Network